Friday, October 5, 2012

Light Sketch Series 2

  Weatherspoon Gallery

The lobby of the Weatherspoon gallery at UNCG is a unique space with multi-layer qualities of light. The vaulted ceiling contains both daylight and halogen in a starry night pattern.  The first floor of the lobby area also contains halogen, but in a more subtle composition washing the walls with alternating patterns of light and shadow.  The daylight dominates the space with strong luminance supported by moderate luminance of the starry night pattern.  The lighting combination enhances the museum experience as it highlights the artwork on display. 

Solas Restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina

Solas restaurant is an example of moderate luminance appropriate for the activity of the space. The types of lamps are incandescent pendent providing ambient lighting throughout the space, supported with additional subtle incandescent pendant lights at the individual tables.  The use of pendent lighting in the space works well with the atmosphere.  My only recommendation might be to have the source of light located further above the table to avoid distraction by its patrons.

Harris Teeter at the Friendly Center

Harris teeter is an example of two layers of strong and moderate luminance in a commercial retail store.  Both lamps are fluorescents bulbs is different style pendent light fixtures for the varying heights.  One provides evenly distributed ambient lighting mounted from the ceiling, and the second is task lighting mounted from a suspended railing and located closer to the check out area.  The lighting conditions are both warm and welcoming and used successfully for the space.

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